miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Secret Tunnels in the Titicaca Lake - Antonio Portugal Alvizuri

Secret Tunnels in the Titicaca Lake

Antonio Portugal Alvizuri

Secret tunnels in the Titicaca Lake is a lively and fascinating testimony of the discovery of the largest and deepest pre-Columbian tunnel ever found beneath Lake Titicaca, on the unusual circumstances surrounding its discovery and on the strange beings of light that forbid disclosing its exact location but instead make other many revelations. We will find irresistibly entrapped in the abysmal gravitation of the tale.

1 comentario:

  1. ...Buneos Dias Sr. Alvizuri, me gustaria conseguir sus libros impresos en papel, me podria facilitar alguna informacion al respecto?
    le estare agradecido si de cualquier forma me pudiera ayudar.

    Un Saludo Cordial.
    Laiho L. Lugo
